Das Archiv für die“building” Kategorie

The lighthouse-townis 35 meter high. Hirtshals lighthouse is a local landmark. Building was begun June 28, 1860, and it was first lit on January 1, 1863. It is constructed of red brick, and covered with Dutch tile. … is this a freehand HDR with 5 exposures (-2, +1, 0, +1, +2 EV) processing first in Photomatix and after in PS. I`ve using luminosity mask in PS. Kamera: Canon EOS 70D Brennweite: 8mm Blende: ƒ/7.1 Verschlusszeit: 1/125s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 12 August, 2019 Urheberrecht: www.bildmagnet.com

Singapore, Marina Bay Sands viewed from bridge „Helix“This shot was taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 9. I love this device. Kamera: SM-N960F Brennweite: 4.3mm Blende: ƒ/2.4 Verschlusszeit: 1/535s ISO: 50 Aufgenommen: 18 Februar, 2019

Singapore City, Marina Bay Sands viewed from Level 33 bar Kamera: E-M10 Brennweite: 20mm Blende: ƒ/6.3 Verschlusszeit: 1/400s ISO: 200 Aufgenommen: 17 Februar, 2019 Urheberrecht: www.bildmagnet.com

Kamera: Canon EOS 5D Mark II Brennweite: 24mm Blende: ƒ/8 Verschlusszeit: 1/125s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 13 Juni, 2011

In 2016 I had a competition with Susanne Knebel. We both wanted to shoot a photo of the lighthouse „Rubjerg Knude„. Only I had the opportunity to travel to the far north of Denmark, here my contribution.Which one unfortunately does not see, it began to storm. It was sunset time with clouds rising. Photo out of the camera, without post-processing: Kamera: Canon EOS 70D Brennweite: 8mm Blende: ƒ/8 Verschlusszeit: 1/50s ISO: 200 Aufgenommen: 27 September, 2016 Urheberrecht: www.bildmagnet.com

This is a 5 exposures (-2, -1, 0, +1, +2 EV) HDR shot. Take this Foto Feb. 2016 during a sightseeing in my hometown. Click on the picture for full-resolution. Church of Our Lady The signature landmark of Dresden is the Frauenkirche, the Church of Our Lady. It is one of the most talked about German buildings in the recent past. Some interesting Facts about Dresden’s Frauenkirche Original stones charred from the fire were salvaged from the ruins and combined with new, lighter colored stones – an architectural mosaic of past and present. The Frauenkirche was reconstructed using original plans from 1726. The architects determined the position of each stone…

Elbe at low water. This is an HDR with 5 exposures (-2,-1,0,1,2) in the afternoon. Kamera: Canon EOS 6D Brennweite: 16mm Blende: ƒ/8 Verschlusszeit: 1/125s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 25 Juli, 2015 Urheberrecht: Arndt-Norman Wolf

This is a nice view from the Aksla Utsiktspunkt to Ålesund in Norway. … this is a HDR with 3 exposures (-2, 0, +2 EV) unfortunately with different apertures so that the sharpness of details is lost a little bit … Kamera: Canon EOS 5D Mark II Brennweite: 45mm Blende: ƒ/9 Verschlusszeit: 1/200s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 14 August, 2014

You can see the Sæby Vandmølle take this freehandshot from the bridge. Sæby is a small town on the Baltic Sea coast of Denmark. This is a 3 exposures (-2, 0, +2 EV) HDR shot. Kamera: Canon EOS 60D Brennweite: 8mm Blende: ƒ/5.6 Verschlusszeit: 1/320s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 16 September, 2013 Urheberrecht: www.bildmagnet.com

After a sunny afternoon i finished my test tour through the inner City and got this last glimmer of the leaving day. The silhouettes of Dresden Frauenkirche, Cathedral and Semperoper are already bathed in light. … this is a HDR with 3 exposures (-2, 0, +2 EV) with my new Lense Tokina 16-28mm f/2,8 AT-X PRO FX it was processed pre in LR, then Photomatix and post again in LR … Kamera: Canon EOS 6D Brennweite: 16mm Blende: ƒ/8 Verschlusszeit: 2s ISO: 800 Aufgenommen: 21 April, 2015 Urheberrecht: Arndt-Norman Wolf

A nice view right after the sunset to Dresden Cathedral. In the back you can see left hand the back of the Residental Palace and right hand our Semperoper close to the river Elbe. … this is a HDR with 5 exposures (-2, -1, 0, +1, +2 EV) with my new Lense Tokina 16-28mm f/2,8 AT-X PRO FX it was processed pre in LR, then Photomatix and post again in LR … Kamera: Canon EOS 6D Brennweite: 16mm Blende: ƒ/9 Verschlusszeit: 1/4s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 21 April, 2015 Urheberrecht: Arndt-Norman Wolf

During the blue hour we were on tour in the Dresden inner-city – Germany. Here you can see the famous „Semperoper“. … this is a HDR with 3 exposures (-2, 0, +2 EV) with my new Lense Tokina 16-28mm f/2,8 AT-X PRO FX it was processed pre in LR, then Photomatix and post in LR again. … Hi… I`am A.Lupus and this is my first post! Thanks to Theo for the opportunity to share my Images here. Kamera: Canon EOS 6D Brennweite: 24mm Blende: ƒ/8 Verschlusszeit: 5s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 21 April, 2015 Urheberrecht: Arndt-Norman Wolf

we was in „Schlosspark Pillnitz“ (Dresden – germany). The autumn light in sky, the low sun behind the mainbuilding forced me for this Photo. 😀 …this was a HDR with 3 exposures (-2, 0, +2 EV) processing in Photomatix and PS. Kamera: Canon EOS 60D Brennweite: 11mm Blende: ƒ/22 Verschlusszeit: 1/15s ISO: 100 Urheberrecht: www.feixen.de

HDR Shot in front of sun. The lighthouse-townis 35 meter high. Hirtshals lighthouse is a local landmark. Building was begun June 28, 1860, and it was first lit on January 1, 1863. It is constructed of red brick, and covered with Dutch tile. g.co/maps/9dcv2 Kamera: Canon EOS 60D Brennweite: 13mm Blende: ƒ/9 Verschlusszeit: 1/500s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 5 September, 2011 Urheberrecht: www.feixen.de

Palais in public park Dresden Built in 1678-1683 after a design by Johann Georg Starcke Palais is one of the major works of the Saxon Baroque. It is at once one of the earliest buildings of this style in Saxony. The three-story, based on an H-shaped plan building process French and northern Italian architecture influences. Its original purpose was that of a venue for courtly festivities, later he has also been used in museums. The palace burned as a result of air raids in February 1945 completely, the interior is not yet fully restored. On the ground floor now houses an exhibition of baroque sculptures that removed for conservation reasons…

freehand shot HDR with 3 exposures (-2, 0, +2 EV) processing in Photomatix and PS. Nice town Bamberg, germany. Kamera: Canon EOS 60D Brennweite: 42mm Blende: ƒ/8 Verschlusszeit: 1/125s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 1 Mai, 2012 Urheberrecht: www.bildmagnet.com

Mårup Kirke near Lønstrup (Denmark) Mårup is a former parish seat in the north of Jutland in Denmark. The site offers more than any other in Denmark, the impressive spectacle of nature. The place is located above the imposing North sea coast. Mårup ist ein ehemaliger Kirchort im Norden von Jütland in Dänemark. Der Ort bietet wie kaum ein anderer in Dänemark das eindrucksvolle Schauspiel der Naturgewalten. Der Ort befindet sich oberhalb der imposanten Nordseesteilküste. Kamera: Canon EOS 60D Brennweite: 8mm Blende: ƒ/8 Verschlusszeit: 1/500s ISO: 100 Urheberrecht: www.feixen.de

HDR Shot in evening atmosphere.The white lighthouse-building is 35 meter high. Hirtshals lighthouse is a local landmark. Building was constructed of red brick, and covered with Dutch tile. this is an freehand shot HDR with 3 exposures (-2, 0, +2 EV) processing in Photomatix and PS.the making of –> Kamera: Canon EOS 60D Brennweite: 8mm Blende: ƒ/13 Verschlusszeit: 1/100s ISO: 100 Urheberrecht: www.feixen.de

Mårup Kirke near Lønstrup (Denmark) the anchor Mårup is a former parish seat in the north of Jutland in Denmark. The site offers more than any other in Denmark, the impressive spectacle of nature. The place is located above the imposing North sea coast. g.co/maps/m2vjq In this design the anchor was shown. This comes from a British frigate that ran aground there on the coast. The frigate „The Crescent“, which was on the way to Gothenburg with stock for the English fleet, stranded in December 1808 before Mårup. The 226 dead are buried in a common grave at the cemetery Maarup. 7 officers and 55 sailors survived. Kamera: Canon EOS…

freehand shot HDR with 3 exposures (-2, 0, +2 EV) processing in Photomatix and PS. visit: www.flickr.com/photos/magnetismus/8157573498/in/photostre… Kamera: Canon EOS 60D Brennweite: 11mm Blende: ƒ/9 Verschlusszeit: 1/60s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 28 Juni, 2012 Urheberrecht: www.bildmagnet.com

Denmark, Lyngvig Fyr, Lighthouse L yngvig Lighthouse is Denmark’s highest situated lighthouse The tower is 38 metres and the light blinks every 5th second. From the sea the light can be spotted from up to 40 km from land. Around the lighthouse is beautiful nature. Full-Res-Picture Kamera: Canon EOS 60D Brennweite: 11mm Blende: ƒ/11 Verschlusszeit: 1/200s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 11 September, 2012 Urheberrecht: www.bildmagnet.com

There was a bunker on the beach. Shot this photo during a walk along the Danish North Sea coast near Sondervig. Kamera: Canon EOS 60D Brennweite: 8mm Blende: ƒ/10 Verschlusszeit: 1/250s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 12 September, 2012 Urheberrecht: www.bildmagnet.com

see the pond in „Goethepark“ in the beginning blue hour. Kamera: Canon EOS 60D Brennweite: 8mm Blende: ƒ/10 Verschlusszeit: 1/50s ISO: 100 Urheberrecht: www.bildmagnet.com

Rathaus Bamberg Das Wahrzeichen von Bamberg. Die Bilder habe ich bereits im Mai 2012 aufgenommen. Dieses Bild ist aus zwei in Photomatix erstellten HDR-Bildern zusammengesetzt. making of –> picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/3DHtkIYE_P37zlrUNY5HwtMTjNZ… Kamera: Canon EOS 60D Brennweite: 18mm Blende: ƒ/4 Verschlusszeit: 1/1600s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 1 Mai, 2012 Urheberrecht: www.bildmagnet.com