Das Archiv für die“water” Kategorie

The most photographed tree in Slovenia with Lake Bohinj in the background Kamera: DMC-FX35 Brennweite: 4.4mm Blende: ƒ/2.8 Verschlusszeit: 1/400s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 11 September, 2010

The large dunes landscapes on the North Sea coast of Denmark. Shot this with my small Olympus OMD 10 Kamera: E-M10 Brennweite: 20mm Blende: ƒ/22 Verschlusszeit: 1/125s ISO: 200 Aufgenommen: 7 Oktober, 2016 Urheberrecht: www.bildmagnet.com

The large dunes landscapes on the North Sea coast of Denmark, I wanted to keep it. A beautiful piece of nature is there, which is threatened by rising sea levels, among others. This is a 3 exposures (-2, 0, +2 EV) HDR shot. Is a second picture on this blog, but also nice. Pic in fullres Download here. Kamera: Canon EOS 60D Brennweite: 18mm Blende: ƒ/8 Verschlusszeit: 1/200s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 8 September, 2011 Urheberrecht: www.feixen.de

It is non HDR-Shot. For first time I work only with Photoshop and a workflow with Luminosity Masks. I use the very good addon TK Actions Panel v4. here the RAW-Out of Camera: Kamera: Canon EOS 70D Brennweite: 8mm Blende: ƒ/8 Verschlusszeit: 1/100s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 15 September, 2015 Urheberrecht: www.bildmagnet.com

Elbe at low water. This is an HDR with 5 exposures (-2,-1,0,1,2) in the afternoon. Kamera: Canon EOS 6D Brennweite: 16mm Blende: ƒ/8 Verschlusszeit: 1/125s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 25 Juli, 2015 Urheberrecht: Arndt-Norman Wolf

This is a nice view from the Aksla Utsiktspunkt to Ålesund in Norway. … this is a HDR with 3 exposures (-2, 0, +2 EV) unfortunately with different apertures so that the sharpness of details is lost a little bit … Kamera: Canon EOS 5D Mark II Brennweite: 45mm Blende: ƒ/9 Verschlusszeit: 1/200s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 14 August, 2014

You can see the Sæby Vandmølle take this freehandshot from the bridge. Sæby is a small town on the Baltic Sea coast of Denmark. This is a 3 exposures (-2, 0, +2 EV) HDR shot. Kamera: Canon EOS 60D Brennweite: 8mm Blende: ƒ/5.6 Verschlusszeit: 1/320s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 16 September, 2013 Urheberrecht: www.bildmagnet.com

Every year on may 1st the season of steamboating begins. Therefore all steamboats come togheter for a parade with a final chorus of horns. … this is a HDR with 3 exposures (-2, 0, +2 EV) with my wide-angle lense Tokina 16-28mm f/2,8 AT-X PRO FX it was processed pre in LR, then Photomatix and post in LR again … Kamera: Canon EOS 6D Brennweite: 18mm Blende: ƒ/8 Verschlusszeit: 1/400s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 1 Mai, 2015 Urheberrecht: Arndt-Norman Wolf

Kamera: Canon EOS 60D Brennweite: 8mm Blende: ƒ/8 Verschlusszeit: 1/200s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 15 September, 2014 Urheberrecht: www.bildmagnet.com