Das Archiv für die“denmark” Kategorie

The lighthouse-townis 35 meter high. Hirtshals lighthouse is a local landmark. Building was begun June 28, 1860, and it was first lit on January 1, 1863. It is constructed of red brick, and covered with Dutch tile. … is this a freehand HDR with 5 exposures (-2, +1, 0, +1, +2 EV) processing first in Photomatix and after in PS. I`ve using luminosity mask in PS. Kamera: Canon EOS 70D Brennweite: 8mm Blende: ƒ/7.1 Verschlusszeit: 1/125s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 12 August, 2019 Urheberrecht: www.bildmagnet.com

Vrist, DenmarkNorth Sea coastal part in small town Vrist. Nice sunset mood.again … is this a freehand HDR with 5 exposures (-2, +1, 0, +1, +2 EV) processing first in Photomatix and after in PS. I`ve using luminosity mask in PS. Location-Point: Byskovvej 38, 7673 Harboøre, Dänemark 56°35’59.2″N 8°08’38.6″E Kamera: Canon EOS 70D Brennweite: 12mm Blende: ƒ/9 Verschlusszeit: 1/100s ISO: 200 Aufgenommen: 7 August, 2018 Urheberrecht: www.bildmagnet.com

I wanted to document the large sandy beach landscapes on the North Sea coast of Denmark. It is a beautiful piece of nature that is threatened by rising sea levels. This is an HDR recording with 3 shots (-2, 0, +2 EV). Is not it the first picture on this blog, but also nice. I wanted to capture the reflection of the light in the reflecting water surface. Position: 57°30’14.0″N 9°50’44.5″Eexplore this in maps: https://goo.gl/maps/Wg8oK2Gs5NtB6b5P6 here is the original row of 3 exposures : Kamera: Canon EOS 60D Brennweite: 12mm Blende: ƒ/8 Verschlusszeit: 1/250s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 18 September, 2013 Urheberrecht: www.bildmagnet.com

Lønstrup coast, DenmarkNorth Sea coastal part near Lønstrup. In sunset-time was stormy mood.again … is this a freehand HDR with 5 exposures (-2, +1, 0, +1, +2 EV) processing first in Photomatix and after in PS. I`ve using luminosity mask in PS. Original-Picture out of Camera: Kamera: Canon EOS 70D Brennweite: 8mm Blende: ƒ/8 Verschlusszeit: 1/125s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 30 September, 2016 Urheberrecht: www.bildmagnet.com

Lønstrup coast, DenmarkNorth Sea coastal part near Lønstrup. I take this Picture in a Storm. Sunset coming after the amazing clouds.again … is this a freehand HDR with 3 exposures (-2, 0, +2 EV) processing in Photomatix and PS Kamera: Canon EOS 70D Brennweite: 8mm Blende: ƒ/7.1 Verschlusszeit: 1/200s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 30 September, 2016 Urheberrecht: www.bildmagnet.com

The large dunes landscapes on the North Sea coast of Denmark, I wanted to keep it. A beautiful piece of nature is there, which is threatened by rising sea levels, among others. This is a 3 exposures (-2, 0, +2 EV) HDR shot. Is a second picture on this blog, but also nice. Pic in fullres Download here. Kamera: Canon EOS 60D Brennweite: 18mm Blende: ƒ/8 Verschlusszeit: 1/200s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 8 September, 2011 Urheberrecht: www.feixen.de

In 2016 I had a competition with Susanne Knebel. We both wanted to shoot a photo of the lighthouse „Rubjerg Knude„. Only I had the opportunity to travel to the far north of Denmark, here my contribution.Which one unfortunately does not see, it began to storm. It was sunset time with clouds rising. Photo out of the camera, without post-processing: Kamera: Canon EOS 70D Brennweite: 8mm Blende: ƒ/8 Verschlusszeit: 1/50s ISO: 200 Aufgenommen: 27 September, 2016 Urheberrecht: www.bildmagnet.com

after a beautiful sunset at Nørlev beach i have made this long exposure.The atmosphere was amazing. The North Sea revealed by an unusually quiet mood.This is a 3 exposures (-2, 0, +2 EV) HDR shot. I use for the first time the tool:Creator Tool – EnfuseGUI 2.1 here my set (smartphone-pic) 🙂 Kamera: Canon EOS 70D Brennweite: 15mm ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 10 September, 2015 Urheberrecht: www.bildmagnet.com

It is non HDR-Shot. For first time I work only with Photoshop and a workflow with Luminosity Masks. I use the very good addon TK Actions Panel v4. here the RAW-Out of Camera: Kamera: Canon EOS 70D Brennweite: 8mm Blende: ƒ/8 Verschlusszeit: 1/100s ISO: 100 Aufgenommen: 15 September, 2015 Urheberrecht: www.bildmagnet.com