norlev beach reflection

Norlev beach

I wanted to document the large sandy beach landscapes on the North Sea coast of Denmark. It is a beautiful piece of nature that is threatened by rising sea levels. This is an HDR recording with 3 shots (-2, 0, +2 EV). Is not it the first picture on this blog, but also nice. I wanted to capture the reflection of the light in the reflecting water surface.

Position: 57°30’14.0″N 9°50’44.5″E
explore this in maps:

here is the original row of 3 exposures :

  • Kamera: Canon EOS 60D
  • Brennweite: 12mm
  • Blende: ƒ/8
  • Verschlusszeit: 1/250s
  • ISO: 100
  • Aufgenommen: 18 September, 2013

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